What type of projects can be financed with Sustainable Bonds?

The Sustainable Bond Framework of the Republic of Chile establishes 6 categories of green eligible expenses, these are: (1) Clean Transportation, (2) Energy Efficiency, (3) Renewable Energy, (4) Living natural resources, Land use and Protected Marine Areas, (5) Efficient and climate resilient Water Management and (6) Green Buildings.
Likewise, it establishes 9 categories of eligible social expenses, these are: (1) Support for the elderly or people with special needs in vulnerable situation, (2) Support for low-income families, (3) Support for human rights victims, (4) Support for the community through job creation, (5) Access to affordable housing, (6) Access to education, (7) Food security, (8) Access to essential health services and (9) Social programs designed to prevent and/or alleviate unemployment derived from socioeconomic crisis, including through the potential effect of financing SMEs and micro finances.
It should be noted that each of these categories has specific requirements clearly defined in the Framework.